All Patents in class 123/37 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
269,813 | Dec. 26, 1882 | L.C. Parker | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
270,202 | Jan. 09, 1883 | J. Charter | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
RE10,290 | Feb. 20, 1883 | L.C. Parker | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
597,860 | Jan. 25, 1898 | S. Rolfe | Explosion Engine | oil engines |
620,602 | Mar. 07, 1899 | H.P. Maxim | Explosive Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
621,572 | Mar. 21, 1899 | T.C. Kennedy | Explosive Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
655,473 | Aug. 07, 1900 | E.C. Wood | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
661,439 | Nov. 06, 1900 | E. Boulier, A. Boulier | Explosion Engine | internal combustion engines |
1,022,177 | Apr. 02, 1912 | B. Brazelle | Internal-combustion motor | gas and gasoline engines |