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All Patents in class 123/344
Patents 1 - 15 of 23
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266,304Oct. 24, 1882P. MunzingerGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
322,650Jul. 21, 1885C. ShelburneGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
351,394Oct. 26, 1886P. Murray, Jr.Gas Enginegas and gasoline engines
386,208Jul. 17, 1888L.H. NashGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
408,683Aug. 13, 1889C.W. BaldwinGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
486,143Nov. 15, 1892H. WardenGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
507,436Oct. 24, 1893A. Schilling, C.F. HirschGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
522,811Jul. 10, 1894J. WalrathExplosive Gas Enginegas and gasoline engines
525,358Sep. 04, 1894F.C. OlinGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
530,508Dec. 11, 1894H.T. DawsonGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
569,386Oct. 13, 1896F.C. OlinGas Engineinternal combustion engines
578,112Mar. 02, 1897L.H. NashGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
613,284Nov. 01, 1898J.S. KleinSupply Controlling Mechanism for Gas Enginesinternal combustion engine governors
615,393Dec. 06, 1898J.S. KleinSupply Controlling Mechanism for Gas Enginesinternal combustion engine governors
634,063Oct. 03, 1899L.A. Letombe, C.J. Mollet-FontaineGas Motorgas and gasoline engines
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