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All Patents in class 123/190.4
Patents 1 - 11 of 11
First set of recordsLast set of records
3,597May 25, 1844S. PerryManner of Constructing an Inflammable Gas or Vapor Enginegas and gasoline engines
266,304Oct. 24, 1882P. MunzingerGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
488,165Dec. 13, 1892E.W. EvansGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
495,281Apr. 11, 1893F.E. TremperExplosive Engine
563,249Jul. 07, 1896H.C. BakerGas Engineinternal combustion engines
600,971Mar. 22, 1898P.E. SingerInternal Combustion or Detonating Enginegas and gasoline engines
646,993Apr. 10, 1900C.A. ScottExplosion Enginegas and gasoline engines
657,384Sep. 04, 1900S.F. BeetzExplosive Engineinternal combustion engines
658,367Sep. 25, 1900E. Apperson, E. HaynesExplosive Enginegas and gasoline engines
666,264Jan. 22, 1901J.F. DenisonValve for Explosion Enginesinternal combustion traction engines
680,985Aug. 20, 1901W.S. SharpneckMultiple Piston Explosive Engineinternal combustion engines
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