All Patents in class 123/190.4 |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
3,597 | May 25, 1844 | S. Perry | Manner of Constructing an Inflammable Gas or Vapor Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
266,304 | Oct. 24, 1882 | P. Munzinger | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
488,165 | Dec. 13, 1892 | E.W. Evans | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
495,281 | Apr. 11, 1893 | F.E. Tremper | Explosive Engine | |
563,249 | Jul. 07, 1896 | H.C. Baker | Gas Engine | internal combustion engines |
600,971 | Mar. 22, 1898 | P.E. Singer | Internal Combustion or Detonating Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
646,993 | Apr. 10, 1900 | C.A. Scott | Explosion Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
657,384 | Sep. 04, 1900 | S.F. Beetz | Explosive Engine | internal combustion engines |
658,367 | Sep. 25, 1900 | E. Apperson, E. Haynes | Explosive Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
666,264 | Jan. 22, 1901 | J.F. Denison | Valve for Explosion Engines | internal combustion traction engines |
680,985 | Aug. 20, 1901 | W.S. Sharpneck | Multiple Piston Explosive Engine | internal combustion engines |