All Patents in class 123/169E |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
362,187 | May 03, 1887 | J.C. Beckfeld, A. Schmid | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
RE10,878 | Nov. 01, 1887 | J.C. Beckfeld, A. Schmid | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
376,212 | Jan. 10, 1888 | H.K. Shanck | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
424,027 | Mar. 25, 1890 | E.F. Roberts | Igniting Apparatus for Gas Engines | ignition systems |
582,540 | May 11, 1897 | O. Mueller | Igniter for Explosive Engines | ignition systems |
604,241 | May 17, 1898 | D.M. Tuttle | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |