All Patents in class 122/4R |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
FX-8,581 | Jan. 09, 1835 | A.J. Murray | Cotton press | cotton presses |
RX-37 | May 17, 1842 | A.J. Murray | Improvement in Portable Presses for Pressing Tobacco, Cotton, Hay, etc. | tobacco machinery |
5,398 | Dec. 18, 1847 | W. Hovey | Machinery for Grinding Knives which have Warped Sufaces | tool grinders |
97,988 | Dec. 14, 1869 | G.C. Taft | Improvement in Wrenches | screw adjust wrenches |
883,934 | Apr. 07, 1908 | F.I. Cass | Traction Engine | steam traction engines |
1,656,634 | Jan. 17, 1928 | . | Combination Tool | |