All Patents in class 122/178 |
Patents 1 -
of 5
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
8,471X | Oct. 25, 1834 | J. Goulding | Boilers for generating steam and evaporating fluids | stationary boilers |
8,472X | Oct. 25, 1834 | J. Goulding | Improvement in making dry steam or preventing water from passing out of a boiler into a steam-pipe | stationary boilers |
8,473X | Oct. 25, 1834 | J. Goulding | Steam engine, making dry | stationary boilers |
358,430 | Mar. 01, 1887 | M.R. Clapp | Coiled-tube boiler | steam fire engines |
495,868 | Apr. 18, 1893 | C. Ahrens | Steam-boiler | steam fire engines |