All Patents in class 114/82 |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
449X | May 13, 1803 | W. Hopkins | Ship building | shipwright |
6,230X | Nov. 06, 1830 | W. Annesley | Mode of uniting timber for domes, bridges, etc. | |
7,414X | Feb. 07, 1833 | J. Bearce | Framing, Kneeing Off and Securing Decks of Ships, Called a Lock Dove-Tail Key Purchase | boats and ships |
7,509X | Apr. 05, 1833 | J. Barron | Constructing vessels | |
8,673X | Mar. 06, 1835 | J. Donn | Fishing Boat | boats and ships |
9,871X | Jul. 02, 1836 | D. Gerrish | Construction of vessels | shipwright |
389,892 | Sep. 25, 1888 | F.E. Kirby | Ship-building | boats and ships |