All Patents in class 110/104R |
Patents 1 -
of 5
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Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
9,597 | Feb. 22, 1853 | R. Ward, J.B. Hubbell, H.C. Hubbell | Machine for turning irregular forms | pattern lathes |
14,753 | Apr. 22, 1856 | G.W. Holmes | Hoop machine | hoop making machines |
605,815 | Jun. 14, 1898 | J.F. Duryea | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
1,140,817 | May 25, 1915 | C.L. Heisler | Furnace Stoker for Feeding Coal Dust or Other Comminuted Fuels | locomotive coal feeding apparatus |
1,177,045 | Mar. 28, 1916 | C.L. Heisler, W. Dalton, J.R. Magarvey | Means for Supplying Comminuted Fuel to Furnaces | solid fuel stokers |