All Patents in class 105/29.1 |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
9,867 | Jul. 19, 1853 | S.J. Sherman | Pocket Level | levels |
74,206 | Feb. 11, 1868 | H. Disston | Improvement in Machine for Grinding the Rolls of Rolling Mills | grinding machines |
131,839 | Oct. 01, 1872 | H.H. Baker | Improvement in propulsion of canal-boats | boats and ships |
139,996 | Jun. 17, 1873 | H.H. Baker | Improvement in propelling canal-boats | boats and ships |
380,781 | Apr. 10, 1888 | H.H. Baker | Propelling canal-boats | boats and ships |
1,416,299 | May 16, 1922 | G.P. Kline | Spacing machine | metal punching machines |