All Patents in class 100/271 |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
8,137 | Jun. 03, 1851 | H. Bessemer | Machines for Expressing Cane Juice | sugar cane apparatus |
244,437 | Jul. 19, 1881 | G. Cumming | Riveting-machine | riveting machines |
337,946 | Mar. 16, 1886 | D.A. Greene | Machine for bundling wood | firewood machines |
364,384 | Jun. 07, 1887 | G. Taylor | Cotton Compressor | cotton presses |
719,242 | Jan. 27, 1903 | G.E. Martin | Riveting Machine | riveting machines |
2,371,547 | Mar. 13, 1945 | C.S. Fuzak, V.E. Rosenlund | Pressure exerting mechanism | lever presses |
3,184,810 | May 25, 1965 | J.H. Hoern | Die casting and pressure molding machines | foundryman |