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US Patent: 610,773
Hand Drilling-Machine
Benjamin F. Smith (exact or similar names) - Somerville, MA

USPTO Classifications:
192/44, 81/59.1

Tool Categories:
wrenches : ratchet wrenches


Smith Friction Drill & Tool Co. - Boston, MA

Samuel Bradstreet
Lauritz N. Moller
Alban Adren

Patent Dates:
Applied: Feb. 21, 1898
Granted: Sep. 13, 1898

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
Benjamin F. Smith patent September 13, 1898
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Reversible cam-roller "ratchet" with interchangeable feed screw or handle, and tapered socket to hold nut driver sockets, drill bits, etc. The patent was applied for and granted well after the tool set was introduced. Aspects of the tool as shown in the drawings may have also been influenced by similar features in the design in patent no. 289,110, which was assigned to George W. and Benjamin F. Smith. A 1910 book on "Manual Training" includes "Smith Friction Drill C, with socket wrenches" in a list of recommended tools for a training facility.

The June 5, 1883 patent date on known examples of ratchet, sockets, etc. as shown in the drawings refers to G.W. Smith patent 279,032. Searches through late 1880s-early 1890s trade literature reveal SMITH FRICTION DRILL & TOOL Co. was the likely producer (ca. 1890 / 1891) of the ratchet / socket set in this patent, and the 2nd producer of SMITH FRICTION DRILLs for various purposes based on patent no. 279,032. A 1911 WALWORTH ad lists "SMITH FRICTION DRILL STOCKS" among the tools offered.

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