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CH Patent: CH-236,622
Dispotif porte-outil pour tour
Lathe tool holder
Jean Minder (exact or similar names) - Geneva, Switzerland
Jacques Edouard Weigle (exact or similar names) - Geneva, Switzerland

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : metal lathes : lathe tool holders and tool posts


J. F. Minder - Geneva, Switzerland


Patent Dates:
Applied: Oct. 18, 1943
Granted: Feb. 28, 1945

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
This is the original patent for the Multifix tool holder which was manufactured by years by J. F. Minder. This product was sold across the world through various national distributors such as Hahn & Kolb of Stuttgart, Germany; J. D. McClure of London, England; and G. & D. Sales Co., of Lancaster, PA. Some of these distributors added their name to the tool holders but so far as we are aware, the only manufacturer during the term of the patent was J. F. Minder. Nowadays there are multiple manufacturers in Germany and in China making Multifix tool posts and tool holders that are compatible with the Swiss-made originals.

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