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CA Patent: CA-11,286
Improvements on slitting gauges
Cyrus Kinney (exact or similar names) - Windsor, ON Canada

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
knives and cutters : slitting gauges
specialty tools : slitting gauges

Anthony Neville - Hamilton, ON Canada
Cyrus Kinney - Windsor, ON Canada

Sandusky Tool Co. - Sandusky, OH


Patent Dates:
Granted: May 26, 1880

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
The Kinney patent marking gauge and the Kinney patent slitting gauge are both covered by US patent 229,258 but in Canada they were granted separate patents, CA-11,285 and this one.

A search for information on assignee Anthony Neville did not reveal anything directly relevant to this patent. At the time the patent was issued he was secretary and treasurer of a fire insurance company. That company negotiated a merger with another firm and Neville was told that he would eventually be let go. He and his wife decided that they would trying homesteading in Western Canada and they ended up, with their young children, near Regina, in what was then the District of Assiniboia in the Northwest Territories. Their story was told in the 1983 book, "Canadian Women on the Move, 1867-1920", by Beth Light and Joy Parr, pages 164-166.

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