British Patents |
Patents 1 -
of 1633
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
GB-158,800,001 | Dec. 04, 1588 | B. Bulmer | Slitting engine to cut ribbons of iron into rods | nail making machines |
GB-161,700,001 | Mar. 02, 1617 | A. Rapburne, R. Burges | Making maps | |
GB-161,800,010 | Dec. 11, 1618 | C. Dawbeney | Engine for cutting iron | nail making machines |
GB-163,400,044 | Jul. 13, 1628 | A. Rotsipen | Instruments for cutting, polishing, filing, turning, boring, grinding, sawing, and planing metals for cutting screws, for making files and bullets, for making and rifling barrels, for pressing or printing, and a hammer moved by water or horse power | screw machines |
GB-162,900,045 | Jan. 02, 1629 | H. Bullock | Engine for Cutting Timber into Plank or Board and other Squares | sawmills |
GB-163,400,071 | Jun. 24, 1634 | A. Rotsipen | Rotsipen's engine for cutting iron or steel, also for cutting screws, &c. | screw machines |
GB-163,500,087 | Jan. 01, 1635 | W. Webb | Machine for cutting scale-board | box making machines |
GB-163,800,120 | Oct. 20, 1638 | S. Jerome | Engine for cutting timber into thin pieces or scales, for making bandboxes, scabbards for swords, and the like | box making machines |
GB-164,200,127 | Jun. 24, 1642 | W. Wheeler, J. Crupley | Raising water; auger for boring wood; fixing piles without driving; raising weights | auger bits |
GB-168,300,230 | Nov. 27, 1683 | J. Booth | Engine for Sawing Timber | sawmills |
GB-169,800,356 | Jul. 25, 1698 | T. Savery | Steam Apparatus | steam apparatus |
GB-170,300,369 | Jan. 01, 1703 | G. Sorocold | Cutting and Sawing all Sorts of Boards and Timber | sawmills |
GB-171,500,401 | Nov. 25, 1715 | T. Masters, S. Masters | Cleaning and curing the Indian corn growing in the several colonies of America | |
GB-171,600,403 | Feb. 18, 1716 | T. Masters, S. Masters | Working and weaving in a new method, palmetta chip and straw for hats and bonnets and other improvements of that ware | hat making |
GB-171,800,418 | May 15, 1716 | J. Puckle | Portable gun or machine called a Defence, thatt Gischarges soe often and soe many Bulletts, and can be soe Quickly Loaden as renders it next to Impossible to Cary any Ship by Boarding | firearms |