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US Patent: 291,597
Joseph Hoffman (exact or similar names) - New York, NY

USPTO Classifications:
144/28.7, 144/28.71

Tool Categories:
household : pencil sharpeners

Henry Berolz-Heimer - New York, NY

Not known to have been produced

Joe W. Swaine
C. S. Braisted

Patent Dates:
Applied: Oct. 26, 1883
Granted: Jan. 08, 1884

Patent Pictures:
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
This patent is mentioned in the specification for patent 350,330 as an example of a pencil sharpener with sun-and-planet gearing that cuts transversely across the grain which is claimed to result in cracking and breaking of the lead. That patent claims that this patent failed in the marketplace and was not being manufactured.

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