US Patent: 27,863
Cane Mill
Philetus W. Gates (exact or similar names) - Chicago, Cook County, IL |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
Apr. 10, 1860 |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2
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Joel Havens
Description: |
The rollers used heretofore in sugarcane mills have perfectly cylindric surfaces, the disadvantage of which is that the cane is apt to slip down between the crushing-cylinders or rollers in consequence of its being wet and slippery. The smaller cane is also apt to be crowded toward the ends of the rollers by the bigger cane, which is perfectly crushed, while the smaller cane is but partially or not at all crushed, and frequently escapes at the ends of the rollers, crowds around their hubs, and impedes the easy working of the rollers. To overcome these difficulties is the principal object of my invention.
Making a portion of the surface of the rollers concave circumferentially. |