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US Patent: 43,095
Cider Mill
Orlando Clarke (exact or similar names) - Rockford, Winnebago County, IL

USPTO Classifications:
100/158C, 241/252, 241/296

Tool Categories:
agricultural : cider mills


Clarke & Utter - Rockford, Winnebago County, IL

S. A. Granger
C. M. Utter
J. Snowden Bell
John Meigs

Patent Dates:
Granted: Jun. 14, 1861

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
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"Vintage Machinery" entry for Clarke & Utter

In cider-mills as heretofore constructed, the apples are liable either to be cut into small pieces without compression, which prevents the escape of the juice, or else to be crushed into so fine a pulp as to cause it to pack when pressed, and thus require more power to express the juice than many of the machines, particularly those of the smaller class, (known as "hand-machines",) are capable of exerting, whereby great loss of juice is occasioned. It is the object of my invention to reduce apples and other fruit to a pulp of -uniform consistency, the degree of fineness of which is completely under the control of the attendant in order to suit the varying conditions under which the machine is required to operate; and to this end my improvement consists, first, in the employment of two grinding or cutting disks (one or both of which have convex conical grinding-surfaces) so combined that one shall rotate faster than the other in order to give the fruit a rotating movement, substantially as hereinafter shown; secondly, in so combining the two grinding-disks that while mounted on oblique shafts independent of each other they shall be driven by gearing from the same counter-shaft, thereby insuring the proper relation of the movements of the two disks; thirdly, in mounting the entire mechanism in a metallic shell or casing for the purpose of preventing warping or twisting of the parts.


The combination of two grinding-disks, (one or both of which have a convex conical grinding-surface,) when one of said disks rotates faster than the other to impart a rolling motion to the fruit.

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