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US Patent: D17,995
Engine Frame
Robert M. Beck (exact or similar names) - Chambersburg, Franklin County, PA

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : steam engines : steam engine beds


Taylor Mfg. Co. - Chambersburg, Franklin County, PA


Patent Dates:
Applied: Oct. 27, 1887
Granted: Jan. 03, 1888

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
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"Vintage Machinery" entry for Taylor Manufacturing Co.

My invention relates to a newly-designed engine-frame and it consists in the peculiar shape and configuration of the frame, substantially as herein described and claimed.


The design for an engine-frame herein described and shown, the same consisting of the horizontal base having thereupon a. vertical plane, a second vertical plane beyond and to the rearward of the first, which it curves at one end to meet, said second plane being likewise on a horizontal base which curves to meet the first-mentioned base, and a cylindrical figure surmounting these vertical planes, one end of the figure being completely cylindrical, while the remainder is broken away by a symmetrical outline which loses its distinctness in the second vertical plane, substantially as described and shown.

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