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US Patent: 67,530
Plumber's Tool
Improved Tube-Cutter
Henry Getty (exact or similar names) - Brooklyn, NY

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
specialty tools : pipe cutters


McNab & Harlin - New York, NY

J. W. Coombs
G. W. Reed

Patent Dates:
Granted: Aug. 06, 1867

Reissue Information:
Reissued as RE3,549 (Jul. 13, 1869)

Patent Pictures:
Patent 67,530 - edited image
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Saunders et al v. Allen (1894)
The cutter is a "V" shaped wedge; the adjustable jaw has rollers to force pipe against the cutters and flatten the "ridges" formed by the cutting action.

Getty's Pipe Cutter is noted as produced by McNab & Harlin, New York City in early 1870s trade journals, etc.

The patent is noted in an 1890s lawsuit where Getty's use of rollers in a pipe cutter was found to invalidate A. Saunders patent [RE10,021] claim relating to similar rollers. (Saunders et. al. v. Allen )

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