US Patent: 74,527
Improvement in Self-Feeding Pipe Cutter Pipe-Cutter
Moses H. Freeman (exact or similar names) - Somerville, MA |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
Feb. 18, 1868 |
Patent Pictures:
Patent 74.527 - edited image |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz
Description: |
Adjustable yoke presses pipe against the cutter "knife." "Rolling" the pipe against the knife edge effects the cutting action. There is a spring stop at the end of the bar which can be depressed to allow the yoke to slide off fully or partially to allow cutter placement.
E.S. Moulton's 1871 patent no. 116,210 covered several improvements, which appear to correspond with the version shown in the 1870 WALWORTH catalog. |