US Patent: 1,142,235
Pipe Clamp
Andrew H. Caldwell (exact or similar names) - Port Byron, NY |
USPTO Classifications: |
81/39 |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Jul. 11, 1913 |
Granted: |
Jun. 08, 1915 |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2
Patent 1,142,235 -edited image |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz Pat. 1,142,235 (ESPACENET)
Description: |
A pipe clamp with soft metal "non-marring" faces, and fitting two different common pipe sizes (the specifications note 1/2" & 3/8" water supply for bathroom fixtures). The clamps would hold pipe for threading, etc. The claims relate to the "obtuse angle" between the two sections of the clamp.
A known example is marked only with the patent date.
Compare "Hall's Pipe Clamp" (pat. 527,200] |