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US Patent: 1,876,992
Pattern turning lathe
Charles MacLeod (exact or similar names) - North Easton, MA

USPTO Classifications:
142/1, 144/114.1, 144/139, 82/103, 82/117, 82/142

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : wood lathes : pattern lathes


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Feb. 06, 1930
Granted: Sep. 13, 1932

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
This invention relates to a pattern-maker's lathe for creating large patterns. "The usual method of manufacturing a pattern of large size, such, for example, as eight feet in outside diameter with a thickness of twelve inches or more, is to construct the same in courses of segments, with the segments of the successive courses overlapped in a manner similar to those of bricks in a wall." The primary innovation is a faceplate that tips to a horizontal position to make it easier to assemble the segments.

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