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US Patent: 361,879
Meal-cake-molding box
William Krutzsch (exact or similar names) - Dayton, OH

USPTO Classifications:
100/115, 100/122, 100/255

Tool Categories:
agricultural : seed or nut oil apparatus

Buckeye Iron & Brass Works - Dayton, OH

Buckeye Iron & Brass Works - Dayton, OH

John L. H. Frank
I. Donald Boyer

Patent Dates:
Applied: Jul. 01, 1886
Granted: Apr. 26, 1887

Patent Pictures:
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Vintage Machinery entry for Buckeye Iron & Brass Works
"In the manufacture of linseed and other oils the meal from which the oil is to be expressed is enclosed by a sack or piece of textile material and arranged in a molding-box, which is then introduced into a press or former and subject to a preliminary pressure to form the meal into a compact cake, after which the formed cake is placed in an oil-press to extract the oil..."

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