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US Patent: 820,074
Sugar Cane Mill
Mark R. Spelman (exact or similar names) - New York, NY

USPTO Classifications:
100/176, 127/4, 127/6

Tool Categories:
agricultural : sugar cane apparatus


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Feb. 04, 1905
Granted: May 08, 1906

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This invention relates to apparatus for extracting saccharine matter from sugarcane; and the invention consists in an improved sugarcane mill hereinafter described and in certain novel combinations of parts embodied in the improved mill, as set forth in the claims hereto appended. The objects of the present invention are to provide for extracting saccharine matter from sugar-cane by a continuous process of roller-pressing and diffusion combined by means of automatic machinery; to render the crushing-rolls more effective .than those heretofore in use, with special reference to the ready escape of the juice from the lower roll; to provide for taking the cane as flattened by the crushing-rolls and cutting the same info chips with ends at right angles to the length of the cane, so as to fully expose the cellular tissue; to provide for positively immersing the chips in an effective manner by conveyers having flights which first carry the chips down into the diffusion-well and permit them there to expand and fill themselves with water and then elevate them for further treatment; to provide for feeding the chips in a positive manner between repressing rolls, to which they are carried by said conveyers; to collect the juice expressed by the crushing-rolls and by the several sets of repressing rolls and to finally discharge the same through a juice-trough common to all; to return the juice from succeeding repressing rolls to preceding diffusion-wells for concentration within the mill, and to provide for imparting motion to the several moving parts in the most effective and economical manner.

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