US Patent: 335,888
Hay Derick
William F. Brian (exact or similar names) - Parkville, Champaign County, IL |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Dec. 08, 1885 |
Granted: |
Feb. 09, 1886 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Joel Havens
Description: |
This invention relates to hay derricks designed to be used in building hay stacks or ricks in the field and it consists in the construction and novel combination of parts.
The combination, with the truck and derick-frame, of the derrick-pole having the inclined bar at its upper end and the slotted horizontal bar near its lower end, the pulleys P', Q and Ri, and the hoisting-rope having the portions V and U, the latter being knotted at its end. |