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From the 1879 book, The History of Rock County, Wisconsin, page 563, in a history of The Doty Mfg. Company. "...In 1865, the property was purchased by Hamilton (Richardson) and R. J. Richardson, who, after making important additions to the original building, and rehabilitating the business to a considerable extent, formed a stock company, in which the Metropolitan Washing Machine Company, of New York, the estate of E. P. Doty, Z. Guild, and the Messrs. Richardson were interested, the two latter gentlemen retaining a majority of the shares. The attention of the corporators was then turned almost exclusively to the construction of the Doty washing machine; and in 1874, over 8,000 of these utensils were manufactured. Shipments were made to every part of the Union, and some of the work found its way to Australia. About this time, innumerable patent clothes-cleaners were thrown upon the market, and the demand for the Doty necessarily decreased, though their manufacture still continues to some extent..." On page 704 contains a biography of Ellis Doty, which notes that this predecessor to Doty Mfg. Co. was called "Doty Brothers & Richardson". |