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US Patent: 2,696,569
Motor Tool
Helmut W. Schumann (exact or similar names) - Racine, Racine County, WI

USPTO Classifications:
310/50, 310/51, 310/75D, 310/90, 384/520

Tool Categories:
handheld power tools : handheld grinders
handheld power tools : handheld routers


Precise Products Co. - Racine, Racine County, WI


Patent Dates:
Applied: Feb. 13, 1952
Granted: Dec. 07, 1954

Patent Pictures:
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
Precise Drill Press
"Vintage Machinery" entry for Precise Products Corp.
The present invention relates to electric motor tools and particularly to improvements in the tool disclosed in my Patent No. 2,532,823, issued December 5, 1950.


Tools of the general character referred to may be held and guided by the hand of the operator, or they may be fixed in a stationary mount to have the work brought to the tip or bit, or they may be mounted in the machine that guides the tip or bit relative to the work, or vice-versa. Tools of this character employing grinding wheels, tungsten carbide bits, or other hard duty cutting or abrading bits, are now frequently employed in machines which advance the tool relative to the work by a lead screw or other machine feed. For this purpose, the motor may, by way of example, operate at speeds of the order of 15,000 to 45,000 R. P. M., with a power output of the order of one-fifth to three-quarters of a horsepower.

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