US Patent: 653,957
Magneto-Electric Generator for Gas-engine Igniters
Garrett W. Hedricks (exact or similar names) - Indianapolis, Marion County, IN |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Apr. 30, 1900 |
Granted: |
Jul. 17, 1900 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Joel Havens
Description: |
A low-voltage electric generator for gas-engine igniters, including a rotative armature and a commutator mounted on a shaft, a pair of opposing pole-pieces having a greater length than the length of the armature, a pulley secured to the armature-shaft, a magnet attached to the pole-pieces and extending beyond the ends of the armature, and commutator-brushes engaging the commutator between the pole-pieces. |