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US Patent: 4,373,840
Pallet Transfer System
Leonard A. Miller, Jr. (exact or similar names) - Fond Du Lac, Fond Du Lac County, WI

USPTO Classifications:
198/345.3, 198/346.1, 198/465.1, 269/57, 29/33P, 414/744.6, 414/744.8, 414/806

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : metalworking machine mechanisms : workpiece changers and storage mechanisms

Giddings & Lewis, Inc. - Fond Du Lac, Fond Du Lac County, WI

Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Mar. 28, 1980
Granted: Feb. 15, 1983

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
"Vintage Machinery" entry for Giddings & Lewis Manufacturing Co.

A workpiece handling system is disclosed. The system includes a generally centralized pallet handling stand, and a number of pallet-accepting stations. These stations can be associated with machine tools such as vertical turret lathes or horizontal boring machines or other machine tools. The station can also be a relatively simple pallet storage station. Alternatively, the station can comprise a cart upon which a pallet can be deposited for movement to other parts of the factory. The pallet transfer station includes a foundation, and a base rotatable upon the foundation. A ram is translatably slidable on the rotatable base. A latch is reciprocable upon the ram. To transfer a pallet from one station to another, the base is angularly indexed into general alignment with the first work station. A shot pin device effects final, precise alignment of the ram with the work station. The ram is then radially advanced into engagement with the work station. A Vee-shaped member effects alignment of the work station with the ram. The latch is then advanced to the work station, and engages the pallet. The latch then draws the pallet over a safety latch and into a relatively centralized position on the ram. The ram is then withdrawn to a relatively centralized position on the base. The base can then be angularly indexed into general alignment with the other work stations.

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