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US Patent: 403,695
James Powell (exact or similar names) - Cincinnati, Hamilton County, OH

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
industrial tools : tool lubricators : oil pumps


William Powell Co. - Cincinnati, Hamilton County, OH

James H. Layman
Samuel S. Carpenter
Charles W. Yangblus

Patent Dates:
Applied: Oct. 18, 1887
Granted: May 21, 1889

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"Vintage Machinery" entry for William Powell Co.

The first part, of may present improvements comprises a novel combination of standard, oil-reservoir, supporting-arms, channels, and ascending sight-feed tube, whereby a cheap and reliable lubricator is produced, the details of these devices. The second part of my improvements comprises a specific combination of devices for forming a "trap" in the channel or tube that conducts water from an elevated condenser through a lateral arm to the oil-reservoir of a lubricator, the object of this trap being to prevent oil ascending said channel, tube, or passage.


A lubricator having a supporting-standard provided at bottom with a pair of lateral arms and at top with a condenser and a single lateral arm traversed by a duct communicating with the sight-feed chamber, steam-pipe, and main channel in the manner de-scribed, while the lever-arms are traversed by a channel extending from the top of reservoir to the bottom of said chamber, said reservoir being pendent from the arm, and being supplied with water by a channel or pipe leading up to the condenser.

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