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US Patent: 67,734
Improvement in Hardening and Straightening Steel Blades
Henry Disston (exact or similar names) - Philadelphia, PA

USPTO Classifications:
148/588, 148/645, 148/647, 76/112

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : specialty woodworking machines : tool making machines


Henry Disston & Son - Philadelphia, PA

John White
W. J. R. Delany

Patent Dates:
Granted: Aug. 13, 1867

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"Vintage Machinery" entry for Henry Disston & Sons
Simulataneous hardening and straightening blades of steel using gradual pressure between plates and dipping the blades into the hardening composition while the blades are in a heated state. Disston subsequently applied for a different patent, 86,286, since while this method worked well for handsaw blades and thin strips of metal, it did not allow larger circular saw blades to be adequately coated with the hardening composition.

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