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US Patent: 4,033,211
Replaceable flinger for live centers
Henry F. Swenson (exact or similar names) - Roseland, Essex County, NJ

USPTO Classifications:
142/53, 82/150

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : metal lathes : metal lathe accessories and attachments

J & S Tool Co. - Livingston, Essex County, NJ

Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Aug. 19, 1976
Granted: Jul. 05, 1977

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"Vintage Machinery" entry for J & S Tool Co.

This invention pertains to a replaceable flinger for use with live centers. This flinger is placed as an auxiliary member on the hardened center. In addition to having a forward flinger adapted to withstand the abrasive action of chips, abrasive particles and the like, there is also a land portion on its rear on which the engaging lip of a grease or oil seal rides. When the center is to be reconditioned due to damage to the forward portion of the flinger or because of excessive wear to the seal engaging surface of the flinger, only the grease seal and the flinger need be replaced. This reconditioning does not require the replacement of the hardened center member.

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