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US Patent: 434,960
Tinsmith's Machine
Enos E. Stow (exact or similar names) - Plantsville, Hartford County, CT

USPTO Classifications:
72/101, 72/248, 72/455

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : sheet metal : sheet metal forming rolls


Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co. - Southington, Hartford County, CT


Patent Dates:
Applied: Jun. 12, 1890
Granted: Aug. 26, 1890

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
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"Vintage Machinery" entry for Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co.

My invention relates to improvements in tinsmiths' machines of the class having the ro bearing for the front end of the shaft of its upper roller vertically adjustable; and the main object of my invention is to hold the rollers approximately firmly together, but at the same to permit a slight degree of elasticity. I have illustrated my improvement as applied to a turning-machine of substantially the construction shown and described in Letters Patent No. 393,055, dated November 20, 1888; but my improvement is applicable to tinsmiths' and analogous machines in general when the bearing for the front end of the upper shaft is thrown upwardly by a spring and downwardly by means of a crank-screw or its equivalent.


In a tinsmith's machine, the combination of the frame, the vertically-adjustable bearing for the front end of the upper shaft having the recess at its upper end1, the lifting-spring for raising said bearing, the corrugated spring G within said recess, and the crank-screw or its equivalent with its lower end bearing upon the upper side of said spring.

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