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GB Patent: GB-187,400,556
Improvements in furnaces or cupolas used for melting iron and other metals
Adam Bleasby (exact or similar names) - Oldham, England
William Blackett Haigh (exact or similar names) - Oldham, England

USPTO Classifications:

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Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Feb. 13, 1874

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
"Vintage Machinery" entry for W. B. Haigh & Co., Ltd.
"This invention relates to those furnaces or cupolas having receivers or chambers into which the metal runs as it is melted; and in the furnaces used at present the flame and heat passes from the receivers through a pipe or flue to the atmosphere.

"The present invention consists in dispensing with the pipe leading to the atmosphere, and fixing to the receiver near the cupola or furnace one or more vertical taper pipes, to which are fixed one or more horizontal or inclined pipes leading to the interior of the cupola or furnace into the coke above the tuyeres, by which means the heat which was before lost assists to a great extent in melting the metal, and at the same time the interior of the cupola is kept cleaner, and the nuisance which at present arises from the escape of the heat through the pipe open to the atmosphere is entirely prevented, as by this invention the heat is returned into the interior of the cupola or furnace."

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