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GB Patent: GB-187,002,471
Improvements in machinery for cutting dovetail mortises and dovetail pins or tenons
Robert Thompson (exact or similar names) - Hoxton, county Middlesex, England

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : joint making machines : dovetailing machines


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Sep. 14, 1870

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
"This invention relates, first, to improved arrangements of machinery for cutting dovetail mortises in wood for cabinet or other work.

"For this purpose two rotary saws are arranged across and at angles to each other for cutting the angular sides of each dovetail mortise. The axes of the saws revolve in swivel bearings which are capable of adjustment to vary the angles at which the saws are required to operate in cutting dovetail mortises more or less angular in shape. A third saw is by preference employed to divide and thus facilitate the removal of the waste piece which is cut out to form the dovetail mortise by means of a stationary cutter, the point of which enters the central saw cut after the angular saw cuts are made, the sides of the cutter acting to cut out the waste piece and thus complete the dovetail mortise.

"For cutting the dovetail pins or tenons to the top of the table of the machine, an arm or bracket is fitted with a slide and rotary cutter. The arm or bracket is arranged so as to partially rotate, and is set to the same angle as the dovetail mortise. In this operation the vertical slide on which the horizontal slide with the wood to be cut is mounted is fixed, the horizontal slide being moved after each cut a suitable distance for the rotary cutter to cut out the wood forming the spaces between each pin or tenon.

"For cutting large dovetails the same gear is employed for cutting both the dovetail pins and mortises by means of rotary cutters of suitable forms.

"For cutting blind dovetails vertical spindles are employed carried by slides on a cross beam above the work. One spindle is fitted with a dovetail rotary cutter, and is moved up and down to the work by a lever and screw. The other spindle carries a flat or chisel shaped cutter which finishes and completes the work."

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