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US Patent: 999,730
William Randolph Allen (exact or similar names) - Indianapolis, IN

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
rules : rule graduations


Lufkin Rule Co. - Saginaw, MI

Chester Bradford
Thomas W. McMeans
Walter Troemel

Patent Dates:
Applied: May 20, 1910
Granted: Aug. 08, 1911

Patent Pictures:
William Randolph Allen patent Aug. 8, 1911
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Lufkin's "Allen Improved Scale" rule (FLICKR)
A technique for marking multiple scales on a rule to enable correct determination of small increments such as 64ths, 32nds, etc. For example, one scale showing "even number gradations" is paired with a second scale showing "odd number gradations." Using the technique in this patent, accurate measurements in 64ths can be expressed with markings spaced 1/16th inch apart, allowing room for eye-legible number marks.

An April 18, 1913 HARDWARE REPORTER writeup describes Lufkin Rule Company "Allen Improved Scale" rules as recently added to the company's product line, and explains the marking system in detail.

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