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CA Patent: CA-6,141
Barrel and cheese box machine
John D. McEachren (exact or similar names) - Harriston, ON Canada

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
trade specific : cooper
woodworking machines : specialty woodworking machines : barrel making machines

Samuel Wallace - Seaforth, ON Canada

Not known to have been produced

Henry Warren
George A. Aird

Patent Dates:
Applied: Mar. 17, 1876
Granted: May 23, 1876

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
"The object of my invention is to provide an efficient machine for the rapid manufacture of barrels and cheese boxes made out of veneer, and consists of a hollow cylinder driven by arranged gearing and carried within a frame provided with circular saws and other mechanisms necessary to form and product the aforesaid barrels with the least amount of manual labour..."

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