US Patent: 630,819
Adjustable Ratchet Wrench
Thomas P. Sayers (exact or similar names) - Cambria, WY |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Nov. 17, 1898 |
Granted: |
Aug. 08, 1899 |
Patent Pictures:
Thomas P. Sayers patent Aug. 8, 1899 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz
Description: |
The ratchet head extends beyond the handle. The head has circular grooves on both sides. Lips on the end of the handle and corresponding plate covering the ratchet pawl connect the head to the handle. The center opening of the head has a size adjustment, and alternate provisions for "one-way" or reversible ratchet action are included. |