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US Patent: 1,112,798
Handle Fastening
Willis F. Hobbs (exact or similar names) - Bridgeport, Fairfield County, CT

USPTO Classifications:
403/274, 7/145

Tool Categories:
industrial tools : tool handles

Bridgeport Hardware Mfg. Co. - Bridgeport, Fairfield County, CT

Bridgeport Hardware Mfg. Co. - Bridgeport, CT

none listed

Patent Dates:
Applied: Dec. 13, 1913
Granted: Oct. 06, 1914

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
Willis F. Hobbs patent Oct. 6, 1914
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
The specifications start with the premise that different parts of the tool would be made of different types of steel; and proceed with a description of the functional parts and a means to rigidly connect them.

Bridgeport Hardware Mfg. marketed a series of box and crate tools; this patent appears to correspond to the SEMINOLE OPENER.

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