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CA Patent: CA-47,796
Gas Engine
Machine á Gaz
Frank S. Mead (exact or similar names) - Montréal, QC, Canada

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : internal combustion engines : gas and gasoline engines


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Jan. 03, 1895

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens

1st. A gas engine whose working cylinder is provided with a port for the admission of the inflammable vapour, a vapour pump connected to the said port," a vapour feed-pipe connected to the said pump, a vaporizer connected to the said feed-pipe, and a supply pipe extending to the vapourizer from a lower level, so that the inflammable fluid travels to t e vaporizer only when the pump creates a suction in the said supply pipe, whereby the supply of vapour is rendered dependent on the operation of the engine, substantially as described.

2nd. A gas engine provided with a working cylinder, a pump-barrel located adjacent thereto, a channel connecting the pump-barrel to the working cylinder, a feed-pipe connected to the pump to convey the inflammable fluid thereto, pistons adapted to move in the pump-barrel and in the working cylinder respectively, the ports whereby the said channel communicates with the cylinder and the pump-barrel, being located in the paths of travel of the working piston and the pump-piston respectively, so that the inlet of the inflammable fluid is controlled both by the pump-piston and by the working piston, substantially as described.

3rd. A gas engine provided with a working cylinder, a pump-barrel located adjacent thereto, a channel connecting the pump-barrel to the working cylinder, a channel or passage in the side of the pump-barrel, said channel extending from a point near one end of the barrel to a point located in transverse alignment with the orifice of the channel leading to the working cylinder, a feed pipe connected to the same part of the barrel in which the said lateral channel or passage is arranged, to convey the flammable fluid to the pump, and means, substantially as described, for controlling the inlet of the inflammable fluid to the cylinder, as set forth.

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