CA Patent: CA-53,123
Pipe Wrench
Karl A. Klose (exact or similar names) - Richfield, MN |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
May 26, 1896 |
Granted: |
Aug. 05, 1896 |
Patent Pictures:
Klose Wrench Company (assignee of Karl A. Klose) patent Aug. 5, 1896 edited from CANADIAN PATENT OFFICE RECORD |
CIPO Data Espacenet patent
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Stan Schulz Canadian patent no. 53,123 in FLICKR 53,123 in Canadian Patents Database
Description: |
Improvement on Klose's previous pipe wrench patents (nos. 520,529 and 542,265).
A cam in the movable jaw clamps a spring which locks teeth in the inner surface of the movable jaw to rack teeth on the main shank. The design retains the replaceable jaw surfaces from the earlier patents.
Corresponding U.S. patent no. 560,220 was issued May 19, 1896. |