US Patent: RE11,459
Pipe Wrench
George P. Woelfel (exact or similar names) - Spring Garden, PA |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Aug. 10, 1894 |
Granted: |
Dec. 18, 1894 |
Reissue Information: |
Reissue of 497,260 (May 09, 1893) |
Patent Pictures:
George P. Woelfel reissue patent December 18, 1894 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz
Description: |
The spring allows the jaws to adjust to different pipe sizes, and to alternately grip and release pipe as the handle is moved in one direction or the other. The "cam jaw" can rotate to present different faces to the work, which extends the range of sizes the wrench can fit.
Ken Cope's "American Wrench Makers 1830-1930" cites an 1893 IRON AGE listing for the manufacturer, and notes the patent reissue. An 1898 write-up has the company's address in New York City. By 1899, the Bindley Automatic Wrench had passed to Smith and Hemenway. |