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US Patent: 600,813
Adjustable Spanner or Wrench
Jozua Cornelis Hendrikus Van Duijl (exact or similar names) - Kralingsche-Veer, Netherlands

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
wrenches : wrench adjustment types : screw adjust wrenches
wrenches : wrench components : wrench handle components



Robert Everett
Bruce A. Elliott
Charles Brown
A. Van Der Linde

Patent Dates:
Applied: Apr. 05, 1897
Granted: Mar. 15, 1898

Patent Pictures:
J.C. H. Van Duijl patent March 15, 1898
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The main feature of the patent and distinctive feature of the wrench is the body extension which supports the movable jaw in its extended position.

Markings on extant examples suggest the wrench was produced in the Netherlands and other European countries. A European collector says it was made by a German manufacturer. It may also have had limited production or distribution in the United States. The inventor's name sometimes appears as "van Duyl" or "Duyl."

Corresponding British patent GB-189629300 was registered Dec. 21, 1896. A subsequent Van Duijl design (GB-190718926 in Britain) is described as an evolution from this design.

One extant example marked "D.R.G.M." includes a swinging toothed hook jaw and gripping teeth cut on the "outer" surface of the adjustable jaw, forming a combination pipe and nut wrench.

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