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US Patent: 2,000,962
Can Or Jar Opener
Franz K. Krag (exact or similar names) - Chicago, IL

USPTO Classifications:
7/139, 7/151, 81/3.42, 81/357

Tool Categories:
household : can and jar openers
wrenches : jar wrenches


Krag Steel Products, Inc. - Chicago, IL

none listed

Patent Dates:
Applied: Aug. 13, 1932
Granted: May 14, 1935

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ]
Franz K. Krag patent May 14, 1935
USPTO (New site tip)
Google Patents
Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
The jar opener size is set by a pawl on a lever handle attached to the movable jaw. The pawl engages one tooth of a rack of teeth cut in the interior edge of one frame rod. The patent includes an opener for clamp-on container tops.

One known example marked "MADE IN U.S.A. Pat. No. 2000962" has only the adjustable jar wrench portion.

A second known example marked "MADE IN U.S.A. Pat. No. 2000962" also includes the second lid lifter type opener shown in the patent drawing and a "stab the center and cut along the rim" type can opener. That style of can opener received further elaboration in Krag's Sept. 2, 1941 patent (no. 2,254,533).

A third known style marked "JAR AND CAN OPENER" or "ALL IN ONE / JAR AND CAN OPENER" incorporates a different style can opener on the end.

One "sales outlet" for these tools was through "pitchmen" at fairs, etc.

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