US Patent: 5,631X
Art of Manufacturing Sugar From Cane Juice
Ebenezer A. Lester (exact or similar names) - Boston, Suffolk County, MA |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
Sep. 10, 1829 |
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Joel Havens X-Patents
Description: |
Most of the patents prior to 1836 were lost in the Dec. 1836 fire. Only about 2,000 of the almost 10,000 documents were recovered. Little is known about this patent. There are no patent drawings available. This patent is in the database for reference only.
“For an improvement in the art of Manufacturing Sugar from Cane Juice; Ebenezer Avery Lester, Boston, Massachusetts, September 10.
The plan proposed is to employ the discharge steam of the high-pressure steam engine, so that its heat shall cause the evaporation of the juice. It is stated that the steam may be conducted, by a tube, nearly to the bottom of a wooden, or other vessel, containing the juice, and discharged directly into it; that in this case, the quantity of moisture will be at first increased by the condensation of the steam, but that the liquid will soon arrive at the boiling point, and the evaporation then go rapidly on. It is proposed sometimes to conduct the steam through the juice, in tubes, similar to the worm of a still, and thus to prevent the contact of the steam and the juice.
When the sugar is to be grained by means of the steam, it is to be put into a wooden, or other vessel, with a double metallic bottom; between which bottoms the discharge steam is to be admitted.
The claim is to the application of steam in the manner before specified, to the evaporating and boiling of cane juice, and the graining of sugar. Steam never having been thus used for these purposes until my application thereof."
Journal of the Franklin Institute Vol. 9, Dec. 1829 pg. 402