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US Patent: 3,932,924
Method of Changing Tools
William T. Anderson (exact or similar names) - Arlington Heights, IL

USPTO Classifications:
29/426.3, 414/773, 483/1, 483/46, 483/53, 483/68

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : milling machines

DoALL Co. - Des Plaines, IL

Not known to have been produced

none listed

Patent Dates:
Applied: Feb. 12, 1974
Granted: Jan. 20, 1976

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
"Vintage Machinery" entry for DoALL Co., Inc.

An automatic tool changer in which tools carried by an indexable magazine are brought to a tool transfer station, from which a first one of two independently pivoted transfer arms of a tool transfer mechanism takes the tool from the magazine and -- by X axis translation of the transfer mechanism -- carries that tool to a tool-ready position close to the spindle, but held in an inverted position. Upon completion of the operation being performed by the tool in the spindle, and stopping of the spindle, the transfer mechanism is given Y axis translation and additional X axis translation, to bring the pivot axis of the two transfer arms to a spindle transfer position in which the second transfer arm is in position to swing in an arc tangent to the spindle axis, so that -- upon 180.degree. of such swinging motion -- this second transfer arm is brought into position to grasp the tool in the spindle and, by swinging in the opposite direction, withdraw the tool from the spindle and hold it in an inverted position. Upon movement of the transfer mechanism back to its tool ready position, it undergoes Y axis translation to bring the first transfer arm into alignment with the spindle, so that -- upon X axis translation of the transfer mechanism toward the spindle to the spindle transfer position -- the first transfer arm carrying the tool it had removed from the magazine can be swung about its pivot axis to insert the tool in its grasp into the spindle.

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