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US Patent: 764,873
Sawing Machine
Francis N. Trevor (exact or similar names) - Lockport, Niagara County, NY
William W. Trevor (exact or similar names) - Lockport, Niagara County, NY

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : circular saws : circular ripsaws

Trevor Mfg. Co. - Lockport, Niagara County, NY

Trevor Mfg. Co. - Lockport, Niagara County, NY

E. A. Volk
R. W. Runser
H. Frost Cushman
M. L. Webster

Patent Dates:
Applied: Jun. 01, 1903
Granted: Jul. 12, 1904

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
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Vintage Machinery entry for Trevor & Co.
1912 Trevor Mfg. Co. Catalogue "A"
"This invention relates to that well-known class of sawing-machines which embody a circular saw, a pendulous bolt-carriage which is provided with means for holding the bolt and which is swung to and fro by the operator for carrying the bolt against the saw and back, and a stationary bolt-gage which is arranged at one side of the bolt-carriage and against which the bolt is pressed by the operator before each movement of the carriage toward the saw to correctly gage the cut. In the operation of these sawing-machines, which are used largely for cutting barrel-headings, shingles, &c., the bolt is moved to the saw in a curved path concentric with the pivotal support for the bolt-carriage, and to secure the most efficient action of the machine the bolt should be supported by the carnage at such an elevation that the bolt strikes the saw first at the upper front edge of the bolt without, however, leaning so much toward the saw that the teeth of the latter will draw the bolt against the saw, because in the latter case the saw is liable to be broken unless the bolt splits under the action of the saw. Furthermore, the bolt should be supported at such a height that the mid-height of the back portion of the bolt moves in an arc passing through the axis of the saw, for in such a case the teeth of the saw will pass out of the bolt at about the middle of its rear side, and the saw will cut most nearly with the grain, and the cut from the-front to the rear side of the bolt will have the least width, whereby less power is expended and the cut is completed by the shortest possible movement of the bolt. Heretofore no provision has been made in sawing-machines of this class for maintaining this desirable relation of the bolt to the saw when operating upon bolts which were shorter than the standard length, and consequently short bolts are cut on such machines at an improper elevation and in an undesirable manner. When cutting very short bolts, an auxiliary grate or bottom has been placed upon the grate at the bottom of the carriage for supporting the short bolt; but this means for overcoming the difficulty is objectionable for several reasons, among them that the radius of the arc in which the bolt swings is thereby shortened and the operator is compelled to lift the carriage and bolt higher in order to clear the saw, thus increasing his labor. Furthermore, such an auxiliary support increases the weight of the carriage, cumbers the carriage with a part which is liable to be disarranged or broken by dropping the bolts on the same, and provides for only one change in elevation. The object of this invention is to render the pendulous bolt-carriage and its guide vertically adjustable to raise or lower the level of oscillation as the length of the bolt may require."

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