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US Patent: 97,253
Scale Beam
John Weeks (exact or similar names) - Buffalo, NY

USPTO Classifications:

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Sellew, Adams & Co. - Gowanda, Erie County, NY
Sellew & Popple - Gowanda, Erie County, NY

John J. Bonner
Victor A. Becker

Patent Dates:
Granted: Nov. 23, 1869
Antedated: Nov. 09, 1869

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
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"Vintage Machinery" entry for Sellew, Adams & Co.
Forbush & Hyatt - patent attorneys

My improvements relate to heavy platform scales, such as are employed in weighing railroad-cars and other heavy articles. In constructing such scales it has been customary to employ, in addition to the main scale-beam, a lesser or " pound scale," as it is termed, more minutely divided for weighing the fractions between the greater divisions of the former. A third or tare beam, for indicating the weight of the car or other vehicle or receptacle, has also been used. With large scales of this description great difficulty is experienced in adjusting the poise of the large beam on account of its great weight. To obviate this difficulty a device has been patented in which two or more main scale-beams are employed, having equal poises of lesser weight, with the scales graduated and numbered alike. To weigh with this scale an article which exceeds the capacity of one of these main beams requires that the weights indicated on the different main scales be added together to determine the weight of the article on the platform. One of the features of my invention consists in graduating and numbering two or more scale-beams of a weighing apparatus, so that the numbering of one will commence where the other terminates, or, in other words, so numbering the different beams that there will be a continued progression from one to the other or others, whereby the number at which the poise on the last scale-beam used is adjusted will indicate the sum of the weights balanced by all of the beams of the series. Another feature of my invention consists in the peculiar manner of connecting and securing the different beams to the main lever, which. I accomplish by screwing them at each end to a saddle that is fastened transversely on the main lever, as will hereinafter be more fully described.

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