US Patent: 453,576
Vehicle Wrench Improvements in Vehicle Nut-Locks or Wrenches
Clarence A. Carman (exact or similar names) - Paterson, NJ |
USPTO Classifications: |
81/76 |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Oct. 23, 1890 |
Granted: |
Jun. 02, 1891 |
Patent Pictures:
Clarence A. Carman patent June 2, 1891 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz
Description: |
This device to lock an axle nut to the wheel hub so the wheel and nut can be turned on and off the axle as a unit depends on the inside of the hub having notches to fit the spurs on the "wrench." A couple of alternate arrangements of the principle are shown. |