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US Patent: 4,730,524
Long Nose Locking Plier
Christian Petersen (exact or similar names) - DeWitt, NE

USPTO Classifications:
81/367, 81/418

Tool Categories:
wrenches : pliers type wrenches : locking pliers

Petersen Mfg. Co., Inc. - DeWitt, NE

Petersen Mfg. Co., Inc. - DeWitt, NE

none listed

Patent Dates:
Applied: Sep. 16, 1985
Granted: Mar. 15, 1988

Patent Pictures:
Christian Petersen patent March 15, 1988
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Lackenbach, Siegel, Marzullo & Aronson - patent attorneys

The portion of the term of this patent subsequent to September 17, 2002 has been disclaimed.


A long nose locking hand tool having a pair of opposing jaw members, a fixed handle, a movable handle, and lever locking means therebetween for maintaining a toggle relationship between the jaws when in a closed position; wherein each of the jaw members comprises a jaw face having a total jaw length to average jaw height ratio of from about 6.5 to about 8.5 made of an alloy spring steel with a hardness range of from about 53 to about 57 Rockwell C, having a nominal parallel opening when they are spaced apart, approximately 3/16 inch, thereby enabling said jaw members to clamp a workpiece up to 3/16 inch thick. Furthermore, said fixed handle has an adjustment screw and a strike surface with an axis passing through said strike surface defining the direction of a line of force impartable to the hand tool; said pair of jaws further defining a bisecting axis formed by the angle of said jaws when closed against a workpiece, and the angle between said axes being less than 50.degree. when the gripping tips of said jaw members are in a closed position.

Design patent no. D261,096 is for the same tool.

Patent nos. 2,563,267, 3,791,012, 4,307,365, 4,541,312, and 4,456,680 cited as references. (The later two are noted in a VISE-GRIP(R) catalog.)

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